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Mateus Ladeira,
Senior 3D Artist and PO

Kleiton Oliveira,
Senior 3D Artist


- elephant skin - 

5 websites that serve as inspiration for 3D artists in architecture

References and inspiration are very important in the creation process for the composition of 3D  art. We need to be on top of the news and access good sources daily.


Speaking from artist to artist, what are your references and from where do you get good  insight? There are materials that can help tremendously when developing clippings of reality  and assist you at the time of creation. In this article, we are going to share some cool reference  sites often accessed by the Elephant Skin artists.

Photographs, and not necessarily 3D images, are the main references for artists during the  creation process. Why? Because the goal of the deliveries is the creation of unique projects,  realistic images, and a story that connects the person to the scenario.

Senior 3D Artist, Mateus Ladeira, explains that in order to create an image from scratch, it is  necessary to base it on a real photograph. This is imperative to achieve photorealism.

“I often use Archdaily to keep myself up to date on photos and new projects. And, I always  save what I consider important to use as a reference point during creative moments. For  example, golden hour images inspire me by observing the light and shadow, and realizing how  different materials react to that light. I also pay close attention to how the photographer framed  a certain environment, at what height the camera was placed, which lens was used, and which  camera position was chosen to best show the environment.”

Mateus suggests that by seeing reference images daily, the information is stored in the  subconscious. And, over time, one will develop a greater sense of how to position the camera  in just the place that will generate the ideal, beautiful image.

Elephant Skin currently has its own portfolio of images for inspiration, and develops a  moodboard for each project so that the entire team has a cohesive artistic direction.

The moodboard brings together several visual elements that provide inspiration to the team  involved in the projects. From that foundation, they will then have their own creative freedom in  the development of the image.

5 portals that serve as inspiration for 3D artists in architecture  

Senior Artist, Kleiton Oliveira, compiled this list of the five best sites for you, the artist, to find  inspiration at the time of creation.
The importance of having a reliable research portfolio is that you can direct your energies fully  into the creative process. The inspiration is readily available.

Now, let us visit some of the most relevant portals for inspiration when creating photorealistic images:


Archilovers is a social network aimed at architects, designers, architectural offices, and all  other professionals in the field.
When registering, you can choose the type of profile: professional, student, or team/office.  Then, you can access a filter to find matching profiles anywhere in the world.

By selecting the photos option, you can access photographs from around the globe, which can  then serve as an inspiration for 3D artists when creating photorealistic images of indoor or  outdoor environments.

We recommend downloading the application to make the most of the functionality of this.


Behance, a space to connect creative professionals, is a free platform from Adobe that brings  together and inspires artists by presenting the work of others, as well as serving as a conduit to  promote their/your own projects.

Users have access to numerous photographs captured from different camera brands, which  can then act as creative references when creating 3D images.


Archello is a specification reference guide that provides contact with different materials and  products. This guide provides a complete overview of how a product will perform in different  types of projects.

Archello makes it possible to access works from all over the world within numerous product  categories and details their application in photorealistic scenarios. In addition, they include  several news articles from within the architecture universe to explore.


Architizer is a self-publishing platform for architects and companies looking to create a digital  portfolio.
Using search filters, artists can find photographs, projects from around the world, and  innovative architectural professionals/offices. Here, one can also access news about the main  references, as well as news in architecture.


Archdaily is one of the world's leading architecture portals, with a wide range of published  materials.
It is possible to access photographs and projects from around the world, search for  professionals/offices, and read news about major events in the field of architecture and design.



You now have a list of portals that can be visited daily and used as references. If you  know of any other interesting portals that have not been mentioned here, we'd be  delighted to hear about them.  

We hope that these suggestions will help guide you on your artistic composition journey.  Until next time!



Communications Manager - Roberta Lemos
Author – Jornalist Daiana Barasa and Juliana Rodrigues | Naiá
Interviewed – Mateus Ladeira, Senior 3D Artist and Kleiton Oliveira, Senior 3D Artist.

*All Rights Reserved to Elephant Skin Group Corp.


04/11/2022 - 3:53 PM EST

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